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Table of Contents


  • Study on the Relationship between Tidal Forces and Atmospheric Pressure, Saitama University - (2022.03), PDF (2MB)
  • Study on Stratospheric High Energy Phenomena Using Space Balloons, Saitama University - (2023.03), PDF (1.2MB)


  • Development of a system to measure airspeed by attaching a pitot tube to the nose of a hybrid rocket CORE - (2021.03) PDF (35.4MB)
  • Development of “FOPY”, a Python version of “FROGS”, a flight simulation that was already under development in MATLAB CORE - (2021.06)
  • Development of an algorithm for sensor-based 0-m goal without using machine learning, etc., and demonstration of its effectiveness in April 2022, AKTK - (2022.04), PDF (3.9MB)
  • Development of a program for GUI display of received data used in the ANCO-project space balloon project, AKTK - (2022.09), GitHub